For the last few years I've written a review of the year, a round up if you like, of all the things that my little business has been up to. At first I assumed that I wouldn't bother this year, after all 2020 has been horrific hasn't it? I've lost more weddings than I care to count and 2020 will forever be the year of doom for so many... But then I started to think about what I *had* managed to photograph and took myself to my virtual photo library. Scrolling through the images I have captured this year, I couldn't believe how positive it has actually been for me. So I'm sat down with a cuppa and a mince pie (please join me, it's going to be a long one!) and am somehow going to try and get the craziest year of emotions written down so that one day, in many years to come, I can look back on how my small business somehow survived a pandemic.

2020 got off to a fantastic start with three incredible weddings. Each one was entirely unique and special, and it's hard to believe how quickly things changed afterwards. I am so, so pleased that these three couples were able to have their special day, because they were all totally perfect.
Before things went crazy
Unfortunately we all know what happened next and I'm not going to pretend that it wasn't devastating. Speaking to couple after couple crying down the phone was utterly heartbreaking. I wished I had a magic wand and could have told them their dream day would go ahead as planned, but unfortunately the government pretty much put a ban on all fun. Thankfully, the majority of my couples were amazing and worked with me to find new dates that worked all round. This was so hugely appreciated and I will forever be grateful for their support in the most difficult of times. I have no doubt that their weddings will totally be worth the wait!
Doorstep Project
As time went on, it became clear that our situation wouldn't be 'normal' for quite some time, so after a few requests, I nervously started my doorsteps project. Clients weren't able to leave their homes, but wanted something special as a reminder of the time spend indoors, and so I offered doorstep photoshoots, with a portion of the session fee going to my local NHS health board (Aneurin Bevan UHB). I could never have imagined how popular these would become, nor how much it would help me though such a mentally challenging time.