I often get asked "When is the best time to have an engagement session?" and the answer is that it is entirely up to you! Whether that be the week before your wedding or over a year in advance, there are advantages to each. Celene and Steven decided on the latter and so we met up in July even though they aren't getting married until October 2018. Personally I think this is lovely as they will get good use out of their photos (as opposed to my own experience where we had ours a week in advance and no one has ever seen them because the wedding took over).
So, unusually, Celene and Steven asked if I would be willing to travel further afield to Three Cliffs Bay, which is located on the South Coast of the Gower Peninsula. When I looked into it I learned that it is widely regarded as one of Britain's best beaches and an area of stunning natural beauty. How could I say no? The location became even more poignant when I discovered it was where Celene had spent her childhood and contained treasured memories of her late father.
We arranged a day for the shoot in July at around sunset to try and capture the wonderful colours but unfortunately it was fairly overcast. As we made our way across the hilly tops though, the sun tried it's hardest to make an appearance. The couple chatted with me at length about how they met and got engaged as well as their plans for the future. It was an incredible session, with the couple being so relaxed in each other's company as well as mine. I really got to know them and heard all about their lovely plans for their beautiful Oxwich Bay Hotel wedding next year. This couple are clearly meant to be and I can't wait to be part of their wedding.